Under Milk Wood
Drama for BBC Radio 4's 50th anniversary production, directed by Alison Hindell.
The voice of Richard Burton has been digitally remastered from the acclaimed 1963 recording of this play and mixed with an all-Welsh cast for this 2003 BBC production.
“Touching, eerie and very funny, the play tells the story of a day in the life of the inhabitants of a small Welsh seaside town, their dreams and routines, their loves and regrets. With characters and phrases that have entered daily parlance, the play opens with, ‘To begin at the beginning’, and features No Good Boyo, Lily Smalls, Polly Garter, Organ Morgan and Captain Cat in its castlist of more than 50.”
Joining the voice of Richard Burton are Sian Phillips, Matthew Rhys, Glyn Houston, Lisa Palfrey, Catrin Rhys and Steven Meo, with a special guest appearance by John Humphrys.
The production is available as an audiobook on CD from Amazon.