Antur y Gorllewin (Western Adventure)

Archwiliwn natur arfordir Gorllewin Ewrop â’r Atlantic gyda Iolo Williams yn y rhaglen ddogfen chwech rhan yma. Yn ymweld a’r Asores, Portiwgal, Sbaen, Llydaw, Ynysoedd y Sianel, Cernyw, Iwerddon, Yr Alban, Ynys Manaw, yr arfordir gorllewin, Ynysoedd Ffaroe a Gwlad yr Ia.

A six-part wildlife series presented by Iolo Williams which explores the nature of the Western European coast facing the Atlantic, from the Azores through Protugal, Spain, Brittany, the Channel Islands, Cornwall, Ireland, Scotland, the Hebrides and Orkney Islands and Faroe Islands to Iceland.

Find out more at the BBC Website.