Storm I: Nothing Remains the Same


A poetic, cinematic reimagining of the first two books of Roman author Ovid’s Metamorphoses.

In his epic narrative, completed just before his exile in 8AD, Ovid links together “into one artistically harmonious whole, all the stories of classical mythology”. Above all, he tells of extraordinary and miraculous changes and transformations, in the nature of people and of things.

In a theatrically thrilling combinations of word, sound and unexpected occurrences, STORM.1: Nothing Remains The Same takes up two of Ovid’s early stories.

-Text and header image from the NTW Website

Music and Production Credits

Lead Composer Sam Barnes

Composed by Sam Barnes and John Hardy

Project Managed by John Hardy

Directed by Mike Pearson and Mike Brookes

Sound Design by Mike Beer

Produced by Lisa Maguire